Thursday, February 3, 2011

Counting Calories

Is it good to count calories? I don't think it is absolutely necessary, but I do find it useful.  Keeping calories consistent can be beneficial for our bodies.

When I first started going to the gym back in 2005 I wanted to lose weight badly.  I felt like I knew a lot about eating healthy.  I didn't keep track of anything.  I just kept a checklist going in my head.  Choosing portions that looked right and keeping starchy carbs to a minimum. I substituted sweet potatoes where I used to eat white potatoes.  My consciousness about the food I ate rose considerably.  Unfortunately, the number of pounds that I lost in those first couple of months were very disappointing to me.  The scale wasn't moving at all. The weight was not coming off of me.  My trainer asked me to write down everything I ate over the next couple of days so he could determine if I was doing something wrong.  I didn't see the point.  My choices were all good choices and my fat intake was at an all time low.  At least I could get his opinion.  Over the next couple of days, I logged all of my food with approximate portion sizes.  I didn't weigh or measure a thing. Well I couldn't believe it.  It may have only been a coincidence but didn't my weight start to drop at that exact same time I began to keep track.  My trainer looked over my choices and couldn't find fault with what I was eating.

 The results I continued to have over the next couple of months were very fulfilling and I was reaching all of the goals.  Even though I had stopped logging my food after only a week. Because I had stopped counting calories  I never considered it to be advantageous.

Several months passed and I continued to be pleased with my progress.  It was then that a friend suggested a program to me for keeping track of calories.  He told me that it was very simple to use.  There was a log for both food and activity.  It sounded too good to be true as far as diets go.  I decided to give it a try,just to see what it was like.  The program's name is Diet Power.

Right from the start I was impressed with how easy to use it was.  I could record my weight every morning.  Its' food and exercise database is quite extensive which made it easy to find  a close proximity for all  my choices.  The program gives a rating to you for how well you are doing.  I haven't really figured out how it does that and what criteria the rating is based on.  It inspires me none the less.  What I found so interesting about this program was the way it made me more accountable to myself.  Causing me to make the best informed choices.

Calorie counting may not be for everyone.  Then again it may show you a whole new way to appreciate why it makes good sense to make wise choices. If you are on a good eating plan and always eat whole foods you won't have any weight issues.  Even then you may like experimenting a little with something new.  These new programs can add a little fun to becoming calorie wise.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Staying Motivated

It's just one of those days.  We are warm under our covers and are coming up with tons of excuses to stay in bed.  Doing nothing seems like such a good idea.  What can be done to keep us from falling into a slump?

Every day is worthwhile! It is important that we do not lose our enthusiasm about each day. Stop thinking tomorrow or later.  Grab hold of the day, for it truly is a gift. One that does not unfold unless we embrace it.  When we do, we will see that there are plenty of simple reasons to enjoy the day.  Components in life that don't cost a thing.  All we have to do, is be out there and receive them. The best things in life are truly free.

Just a few things to look forward to...
  • a day that we have prepaid at our gym
  • food in the fridge
  • sunshine outside
  • fresh air
  • seeing other people
  • someone might make us laugh
  • someone might make us cry
  • someone might cause us to feel compassion
  • we could find some money
  • we could burn some calories
  • we could solve a mystery
  • we could be reminded of something we forgot
  • embracing all feeling
  • forgetting life's difficulties 
  • we could learn that there is nothing to be afraid of , but the fear itself
  • embrace the laughter and the tears
There is inspiration all around us.  If we don't get out of our bed we can never experience it.  Nothing in life is small and insignificant.  Everything can be made special, simply by appreciating it. The profound cycle of life and death,  We are all part of it and have the ability to appreciate it, in our own unique way.  By aspiring to be great, we are great. Aspiring to be the best. Embracing the unlimited potential that resides inside of us. Let's  look around and experience what life has to offer.  Now will become yesterday too quickly. Experience it while it is here..  We never know when our paths could change directions.

Believing in ourselves and our limitless potential is needed to thrive. We are deserving of all the good, that life has to offer. Let us embrace this day and everyday and springboard ourselves out of bed. We are alive and great.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Is it time to say Good-bye to Dairy?

Dairy has played a big part in my eating program.  It is rare that a day goes by without me eating a moderate amount.  My daily protein intake is enhanced greatly by all the yogurt that I eat.  I enjoy the flavor and the benefits.

Milk, yogurt and cheese are my top choices.  I do pay very close attention to the fat content though.  Dairy products may contain high amounts of fat.  Lucky for us there are fat free and low fat alternatives for all of them.  Some are not very tasty and others taste quite good. The nutrients remain intact in the fat free versions.

Calcium appears to be the number one reason dairy is a recommended part of a healthy diet. Dairy is also a good source of iodine as well as vitamin D and K and B12 and riboflavin.  We then must assume that our body can absorb all the minerals and vitamins and reap their benefits.  That, as well as it being a good source of protein makes low fat dairy a good choice in my books.

Some individuals have some problem digesting the milk protein, casein. In those cases it would be best to avoid it altogether.  RAW foodies seem to believe this intolerance is do to the lack of natural enzymes in our milk.  The dairy that we buy goes through a sterilizing process before packaging called pasteurization.  This kills all the harmful germs and bacteria that can make us sick or worse.  It is correct that the good digestive enzymes are also destroyed.  Usually I like to stay away from processed foods. This is one modification that I agree is very necessary.   I still think it is better to be safe and avoid the possibility of getting sick.

The Canadian and American food guides all recommend dairy.  It is considered an essential part of our daily diet.  Do I think it is essential?  .....Probably not. We could live a long healthy life without it.  I just wouldn't want to.  It tastes great and is very satisfying.  The energy I get from it is very sustainable.